News · June 14, 2023

Everything you need to know about brand activations: what is it and what are they used for?

On numerous occasions we see how brands are increasingly advertising at events of all kinds. From music festivals to sporting events, congresses, trade fairs, popular festivals, etc. Brands are not there by chance and in this blog we are going to discover how brands are activated, what their purpose is and how we do it at Bracelit.

What does Brand Activation mean and what is its purpose?

The first thing is to know what brand activation means. We could define it as the brand’s way of reaching the public, generating awareness, emotion, interest and loyalty and ultimately generating sales. But the main objective of brand activation is to generate ownership.

Brand activation can take many forms, the most common of which are promotional events, advertising campaigns, sponsorships, social media, influencer marketing and many more.


How do we activate brands in Bracelit?

Bracelit, as a event and business technology provider, works in different sectors and has a wide range of events (congresses, festivals, sporting events, hotels, theme parks…) Therefore, we have the possibility to carry out brand activations. We offer the brand valuable information, such as the tastes and trends of the users it is impacting and the brand is advertised on our devices and system (which will have a direct impact on the end user).

In today’s world, the cashless system has become the perfect tool for any event. In addition to favouring brand activation, there are multiple ways to reach the user and generate the brand awareness mentioned above. How is this possible? It can be reached online and offline, but in this blog we are going to focus on those that are physically seen at the event. Among them we highlight:

  • NFC wristbands are the perfect device for brand activation. They are next to the user throughout the event, they are used for the entrances and exits, to pay for any drink and it is one of the best options where to place the logo of a brand.

  • Bracelet recharge points: In most events there are usually recharge points, where the brand is added to generate even more confidence and through them you get the moments of greatest demand and the trend of the users of the event.

  • Boxlit (self-management totems): self-management totems are located at certain points of the event and are usually fully customized to impact directly and quickly to the user, they are used to recharge the braceletr.

  • Turnstiles: at macro festivals it is very common to see turnstiles that give you access to the different festival venues. These can also be personalized with the brand.

  • Webapp: the user can pre-charge or purchase vouchers for their NFC wristband before or during the event. Therefore, the webapp is fully customisable and the user will see the branding constantly.

  • Social media: sweepstakes are very common nowadays and generate great reach. This causes the brand to continue to be seen and generates trust in the end user.

At Bracelit we are experts in digitalisation of events and businesses of any kind. We also carry out brand activations. If you need more information about us, write to us at We’d love to hear about new projects!

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