Access management

Control access and capacity of your live event or venue online or offline. Verify your attendees. To perform the control, it is as simple as scanning the contactless devices of each attendee.

The system is easy and simple to use, the staff scans the wristband or wearable and a record of entry or exit is created along with the data of that person. In addition, it allows the opening of doors or turnstiles.

You can gather insights from all entry and exit records.

Ventajas de controlar los accesos y aforos
01Live verification and control
02Safety and well-being of attendees
03Convenient for staff
04Real-time insights from any device

Learn more about our main services

Additional Services

You can add all the services you want so that your event or business yields the best result.
Personal identification
Virtual key
Monitor activities
Child identification
Business intelligence
Management dashboard
Lead scanner

Access Control